Monday, February 13, 2012


Amanuensis Monday is a popular post on Mondays – An Amanuensis is a person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.
Since I have been busy writing my story on Joseph Cheuvront one of my fifth great grandfathers I thought this was a perfect Monday to share what I had on my grandfather, which is also the start of my book on him.

On Saturday, 24, 1832 his speech failing, he motioned for a slate, and wrote on it, " I want a plain coffin, and to be buried in a winding sheet, and brother George Collins to preach at my funeral." As he handed it to one of his sons he said, " I want you to see to it. " On Sunday he wrote this memoir of his life;
" Since God is pleased to deprive me of the power of speech, I address this to you, my children, as a memoir, which I request each of you to transcribe and keep for future generations. I was born in the city of Strasbourg, February 2, 1757, and was raised in the city of Nancy, and was educated very young. In the year 1770, being my fifteenth year, I went to England, where I stayed till the year 1774, when I embarked for America, and landed in New York. In 1778, I was converted to God; and the year following I united myself to the despised Methodists, and by them have been employed as a class leader, an exhorter, a local preacher, a travelling preacher, as a deacon, as an elder, and as a recording steward. In all which places I have, I believe given satisfaction to my brethren. I have now been in the Church fifty-three years, and never has a charge been brought against me. I do not say this to boast, but to stimulate you to support and maintain a good character. In the year 1781, at the siege of York, God delivered me from all tormenting feats, and gave me two seals to my ministry. I have filled some important stations in the state; in all which I have endeavored to establish my character and yours. I have tried to be a father to you, and with great difficulty I have raised you to what you are. I have often counseled you, and set good examples before you; and yet some of you remain unconverted, and some of you who profess religion are very superficial and lukewarm. And now I must leave you in the hands of the wicked one? May the Lord hear and answer my prayers in your behalf. This is the last advice of your dying father, try to set the fear of God before your eyes. Do not grieve one another’ live in peace and love together’ be good to your mother, and do not lie anything in her way that might grieve her. I bid you all farewell. I am truly resigned to the sufferings I now experience. I have longed looked for, and desired the hour of my dissolution. I love God and all of mankind. I feel I am bound for the kingdom of glory. Glory be to God in the highest. Remember your father was a Methodist preacher. "
  As I sat in the National Archives reading these last words of my 5th great grandfather Joseph I felt a sense of grief, a feeling of great sadness. Five generations may separate Joseph and me but I felt as if I was at this deathbed watching him write on the slate. I wanted to know more of him, more of his life.

These words found at the National Archives are a real treasure.  It gives me a peek into his life and thoughts.

Thanks for stopping by, if you think we may be related by any of the family members I write on I would love to hear from you . Take a moment if you like to read other postings on my family.  Grace

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 I am nowhere  done searching for my roots. For my missing family members.  So many to fine so little time.  This has been a hard few years ...