Memorial Day is a day we honor our service men and women. Those who fought in wars from the beginning of our country to those serving today.
This is a newspaper article of my dad and other's who were on his ship. Dad served in the Merchant Marines during World War 2.
This picture tells the following story. " Portrait of real Americans! Study the faces of these sturdy seamen, who narrowly escaped death when their vessel was torpedoed off the northwest coast. To a man, they all declared that they wanted to go to sea again as soon as possible , to defeat the Axis. The sailors ranged in age from youngsters up to men in their sixties. Each seemed proud of the adventure.. proud that he had risked his life for America just as surely as if he had dashed in a charge against the Japs on some battle.
The attack took place October of 1942, 25 miles off the southern coast of Oregon. Only one man lost his life. He had jumped into the sea without a life belt after the attack.
So today I salute all those service men and women.. including my dad who did his part during World War 2. To my great great grandfather, John Lockwood, who served in the Civil War, to read his military records at the archives we can see how this war destroyed his health. And to my 3 direct grandfather who fought in the war of our Independance. Grandpa Joseph Cheuvront, Grandpa Ebenezer Coleman and Grandpa Rouse.
I am proud of all of you and thankful for my freedom..