I am nowhere done searching for my roots. For my missing family members. So many to fine so little time.
This has been a hard few years for me and my family research and blogging about my family finds and stories.
But I am hopefully back to searching and sharing my finds.
To night on Randy Seavers blog site it was sharing how many ancestors do we know compared to how many are out there waiting for us to say " gotcha" and proving it. "
Tonight I printed my Ahnentafel Chart of Generations.
I can go back 13 Generations but so much missing. So many of my ancestors out there in the unknown. This is the year I will hopefully find some of my kin and prove they belong to my family tree.
What is Your Numer
Generations Relationships Possible People Known
1 You 1 1
2 Parents 2 2
3 Grandparents 4 4
4 Great Grandparents 8 8
5 2x Great Grandparents 16 16
6 3x Great Grandparents 32 26
7 4x Great Grandparents 64 42
8 5x Great Grandparents 128 46
9 6x Great Grandparents 256 33
10 7x Great Grandparents 512 16
11 8x Great Grandparents 1024 9
12 9x Great Grandparents 2048 8
13 10x Great Grandparents 4096 4
There is a lot of work and a lot to prove and add sources. So many unknowns waiting to be found. I am not including those I have only a possible name for.
How many of your ancestors do you know.
I only know 208 out of a possible 4096