William Henry Day and Grace Celestie ( Daly Esler ) Day are my mother's parents. William was born October 21, 1889 in Clinton Minnesota. Grace was born July 6 1892 in Winona Minnesota. Grace is the birth daughter of my mystery Andrew Daly from my brick wall ancestor. They married January 12 1911 in Mora, Minnesota. Grandpa passed away February 21 1964 with grandma passing away August 18, 1972. They were married 53 years. I remember a warm loving couple. You always knew that they loved each other. They had 53 years together, had a total of 5 children with 2 of them passing away shortly after birth. There home was always filled with warmth and the smell of home cooking. In the living room hung a picture of Jesus on the Mount and in the dining room a picture of the Last Supper. They never had a lot of money but they always had a cup of coffee and a plate of cookies for a visitor. It was a close knit religious family. We would go to Church every Sunday and then walk with them to their home. Dinner was usually Roast Beef with Mash Potatoes and Gravy. There would be corn , a jello salad, dinner rolls and dessert.
Being the oldest grandchild it was my responsibility to go to their home every other Saturday to mow the grass. It was a small yard but would take me about an hour to push this old mower. Grandpa would say " Rest Grace , don't get worn out . Part of him probably did not want me to not over do but I also think part probably wanted me to stay with him a little longer. When I would finish mowing I would go into the back door and sit at the kitchen table for a ginger ale and cookie and a quarter. These are probably the only times I had with my grandparents alone. No other adults or kids to share them with. These are wonderful memories that I have cherished for about 50 years. One more thing I have that the other grandchildren do not have is my Grandma Grace's name.
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