She passed away on mother's day May 15, 1945 while visiting one of her sons of a heart attack.
A Genealogical Journey A chronicle of ongoing research with genealogy tips for the internet researcher. If you see any surnames that are familiar to you, feel free to message me
Monday, August 31, 2009
Who Were My Great Grandparents Part 6
She passed away on mother's day May 15, 1945 while visiting one of her sons of a heart attack.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Who Were My Great Grandparents Part 5 Jonathan Zion Rachel Millsap
This is Jonathan Adam Zion my dad's grandfather. His son Perry was my father's father.
Jonathan was born September 29, 1861 in Decatur county Iowa to John Henderson and Mary Margaret (Cossill ) Zion. He was called Adam most of the time.
When he was sixteen years old he left home to learn the blacksmith trade. After spending four years as an apprentice he followed his trade for 20 years.
He married Rachel Millsap February 11, 1886 near Lamoni Iowa and soon moved to Kendal Kansas.
Their first child was Perry who was born December 12, 1886. In the winter of 1888 / 89 they moved to Tuskgee Iowa where their second child Norton was born. They moved back Decatur Co where their two daughters Etta and Gertrude were born during that time. They moved to Diagonal Iowa around 1894 where the youngest daughter Bessie was born.In 1900 they moved to Hope Idaho. After this they resided in Minnesota before moving by wagon to Nebraska in 1909. In 1916 they went with many other homesteaders by train to Moffat County Colorado arriving March 22, 1916.
Family memories tell that he like to chew tobacco and raised sheep. One time he turned his back on the big Ram and got butted. He was a large man around the waist. My uncle Joe tells of trying on his pants and he could of gotten them around him twice. Uncle Joe was no small man. Grandma Rachel was probably a great cook.
Adam's health began to deteriorate due to the hard work of being a blacksmith and he retired to the farm.
He developed the family brand in 1907 and this branding iron is still used today by my cousins on their cattle. It is a Z with quarter circle under the Z.

In about 1926 he went to Denver to see the doctors about the cancer he had. He was unable to work after this and spent time with his grandchildren giving them memories that they have passed on to the family.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Who Were My Great Grand Parents Part 4 Katherine Gallaher

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Georgia Non Indexed Death Certificates 1928 to 1930
The Georgia State Archives has added Non-Indexed Death Certificates, 1928-1930 to Georgia's Virtual Vault. From the site: "This Death Certificate search system is provided as an interim solution until the records for 1928-1930 can be indexed and added to the Death Certificate Collection. Many users have asked for these records, so we are providing them with scanned images of the original Vital Records index."
Thanks to Lowcountry Africana for posting this to the Georgia Root Diggers group at GenealogyWise.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Who Were My Great Grand Parents Part 3 Andrew Daly

I was never really told much about my grandmother's birth father while growing up.They did tell me his name. We were led to believe that he was a no good scoundrel who took off for Chicago. I wish my grandmother would have talked about him, but she was of another generation. That is all we got, he was no good and went to Chicago.It was not until my mother and uncle were getting older that they finally pulled out a picture of him some time in 2000. My darling uncle even whispered "Our little mama was illegitimate."At least we have a name and a picture. This is one of my great grandfather's. His name is Andrew. I really doubt he went to Chicago.I tried to get my grandmother's birth certificate but no luck as there is none available to the public. I have searched the census in the area where I think he may have lived and may have found him. I even found a cemetery in the area with a grave with the same name as his.But until I find some one with the same photo on the Internet I will really never know that I have found him. All I have is this photo of a handsome young man. His name is Andrew and he is one of my grandfathers. For what ever reason they never married. He probably was a good man who moved on after he and my great grandma never got together. He probably married , had children and died.I do know he saw my grandma Grace at least once. My great grandma's brother had died in an accident in 1911. Andrew came to the funeral. My great grandma said " Andrew this is our Grace"How I wish my grandma Grace had talked about him and anything else she may have known about him and his family. She never did and this one photo is all I have .
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Who Were My Great Grand Parents Part 2 Carrie Lockwood Day

I want to tell you about my great grandmother Carrie Lockwood Day. Sadly I do not have as much information on her as her husband William Albert. My Uncle Don told me that everyone adored her.
Carrie was born to John Lockwood and Betsy Jane Eddington on October 07 1870 in Blue Earth Minnesota.
Carrie married William Albert Day January 09 1889. Nine months and 22 days later my grandfather was born. Seven more children were born over the next years.
Here she is pictured with her husband William A. Day and my grandfather William H. Day. I love this picture so much. How cute is my grandpa Willie?
If you read her husbands history you see he was an entrepreneur. She was not in the lime light, he was. I would guess she held this family together taking care of the children and the home.
This picture was taken probably in late 1913 or early 1914. Pictured is my grandfather William holding his first child my Aunt Daisy who was born January 26, 1913. My great grandma Carrie is sitting on the left and her mother Betsy (Eddington) Lockwood on the right. This was taken some where in Minnesota. I have this picture in a large size framed in an antique gold frame. It hung in my grandparents home and was passed on to me and now hangs in my home in my bedroom.
This is the family about 1917.
My grandfather is pictured 4 from the left back row.

She is buried at a cemetery outside of Sacred Heart Minnesota next to William A Day.
Genealogy News Update
rallyat the Michigan State Capitol and the State Library complex Read this article , hope that they can stop this money cut. Probably won't though.
Merger Creates Britain’s Leading Genealogy Company
1930 Census Is Free on Footnote In August! Expands Jewish Records Collection
Crimes of Your Great-Grandfathers ... this is an interesting article if you are in to this type of history. I have a great great uncle that was murdered while doing his security job on the docks of Duluth Minnesota. I have not found any more information on this yet. Then I have a great great uncle that died accidently but his sister thought he was murdered. What else is in our family tree to still search out. I have started a new blog site that features old news articles this type at
Have a great day and thanks for stopping by to see me.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Who Were My Great Grand Parents part 1 William Albert Day

I am nowhere done searching for my roots. For my missing family members. So many to fine so little time. This has been a hard few years ...
This week the topic is work for Sepia Saturday. We love to play but we all have to work at some time to pay the bills. I have had many h...
Facial hair is the focus of this week’s SepiaSaturday . My father and grandfather's were clean shaven but go back a couple of generat...
For this weeks Sepia Saturday I am sharing a vintage cabinet photo of a young child with a stuffed bunny. Pictured is a darling young chi...