I finally broke down and bought a new family tree program. The last one I purchased was in 1998.
It worked fine and I thought that was good enough.
But after visiting with Random Relatives and hearing about her family program I decided I should look into buying a new one. I love her posts and how she tells how she is related to the person she is writing on.
It worked fine and I thought that was good enough.
But after visiting with Random Relatives and hearing about her family program I decided I should look into buying a new one. I love her posts and how she tells how she is related to the person she is writing on.
Now if you read any of my other blogs, especially http://www.couponloversunite/ you will know I am working on a thrifty life style. Coupons, living within my means and no credit cards. I am on a tight budget and this program is not part of my budget.... BUT I did receive a gift card from Office Depot for not only my purchases but also for turning in my dead ink cartridges. This gift card still had $27.14 left on it and my 2009 family tree program with tax was $32.46. So my out of pocket cost was $5.32.
The $5.32 came out of my grocery budget but my pantries are so over loaded from great deals it won't matter. We could probably live off what I have stocked up for a month other than bread, milk and some meat.
We down loaded it last night on to my computer We were able to put the information I already had in my old family tree into it. Best of all I can interact with http://www.ancestry.com/ and my family tree program. I love it and love ancestry.
I am in the 21st century with my family tree program now. Last night I was on http://www.ancestry.com/ and in my family program for about 3 hours.
I will some how make sure ancestry is in my budget. Gives me hours of entertainment and I have hooked up with a cousin and we email often. Her grandfather is my grandfather's brother so we are cousins some how. Can't wait to meet her next time I am in Minnesota. We lived only miles apart for over 15 years and never met.
Will post later about some of my finds. Till later thanks for stopping by... Grace
Hi Grace ~ I saw your reply to me that you had bought new software...I am impressed at the $5.32 out of pocket price!! Have fun playing with it and I'll be following your blog to see what you do with it :-)