Write down which of your ancestors that you have met in person (yes, even if you were too young to remember them).
Tell us their names, where they lived, and their relationship to you in a blog post
Some how I get busy and forget to see what is happening at Randy's on Saturday night.
Here is my list better late than never. I do not have many ancestors that I was lucky enough to meet.
My father Arthur Zion
He was born in Colorado in 1921, grew up in the state of Washington, while sailing on the great lakes he met my mother and married her in 1943. He went to bible college in Texas where my sister and I were born. We moved back to Minnesota after a short time in Michigan. This is where I grew up. He passed away almost a year ago September, 2008.

Mom and Dad Young and In Love in the 1940's
My mother Muriel Day
She was born in Minnesota in 1922 and lived in Minnesota except for the years we were in Texas when my dad was in Bible College. She came down with polio in 1953 and we moved back to Minnesota except for a very short time in Michigan when I was 6. She passed away in 1998.
My grandma on my mother's side Grace Esler Day
She was born in Minnesota in 1892 and lived here whole life there. I grew up within blocks of both of my mom's parents and was close to both of them. She passed away in 1972.

My Grandparents William and Grace Day
My grandpa on my mother's side William Day. He was born in Minnesota 1n 1889 and lived his whole life there. He passed away in 1964.

My grandpa on my dad's side Perry Zion. His family traveled. He was born in Kendal Kansas, lived Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado and lived his last years in Winlock, Washington. I only met him once or twice. I remember the last time. He had a farm and raised cattle. He had a big bull and I helped him feed the chickens. I was probably only 8. I wish I had known him better. He passed away in 1958.
I never got to meet my dad's mother. She passed away just over 4 years before I was born. I have always sensed her near me though. My father loved his mother very much and had nothing but praise for her. My middle name is after her.
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