Wordless Wednesday... Almost never can be totally quiet.
Here is an adorable picture of my parents. This would be mid 1940's somewhere in Texas. Probably in the San Antonio area where they went to Bible College.
Dad ( Arthur Zion ) is singing and playing his guitar for Mama ( Muriel Day Zion).
I think they are adorable. This would be early in their marriage. Before us kids or mama getting Polio.
Thanks for stopping by... Hope that you will check out some of my other Wordless Wednesday postings. Grace
Here are a few to start with...
http://myfamilyrootsrundeep.blogspot.com/2010/06/wordless-wednesday-meet-bucko-and-great.html .. My Great Grandpa Adam and Bucko
http://myfamilyrootsrundeep.blogspot.com/2010/02/wordless-wednesday-mama-in-her-prom.html .. Mama in her pink prom dress
You're right. They are completely adorable. What a joy to have an image of them in more carefree days.