Today's posting is of distant cousins of mine. They are first cousins 2 times removed. What a great vintage photograph.
This is Rose Mickschl Check and Kate Mickschl Outkelt. ( that is what my uncle Don wrote on the picture) They appear to be wearing almost matching outfits and holding a barrel. Wonder what is in the barrel? Apples probably. They have big smiles and appear to be enjoying the day.
I am dating this picture to the late 1920's or early 1930's. They would be in their 20's to 30's
They are the children of Bridget and Jacob Mickschls. Bridget was the sister of my great grandmother Catherine Gallaher/Gallagher Esler.
Kate was born 28 October 1896 and died 11 July 1951 she married George Outcelt and lived and died in Lacrosse Wisconsin.. I would guess she was named after my great grandmother Katherine.
Rose was born 23 August 1898 and died 7 August 1982 she married Frank Tomsecek and also lived and died in Lacrosse Wisconsin
I adore this picture. Sadly our family's never met so I did not know them or their children. Maybe some day I will find their families. Through http://www.ancestry.com/ I did have contact with someone from their lines.
Thanks for stopping by.. hope that you will take a moment and read some of my other family postings... Grace
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