Fearless Females Blog Post: March 8: Diaries, Letters, and Journals
Did one of your female ancestors leave a diary, journal, or collection of letters? Share an entry or excerpt.
Did one of your female ancestors leave a diary, journal, or collection of letters? Share an entry or excerpt.
I have letters written by my mother and both of my grandmothers. I shared a letter here my mother wrote 9n June 8th 1952 when she was not feeling well. With in days she was in the hospital with Polio.
Here is another letter she wrote on June 11, 1952 Baytown Texas
Dear Daisy
Just a short letter to explain about the contents of a small package I'm sending you. Its sort of a joke package although I know you'll like what I've sent you. the joke package conatins about four cucumbers. Some people gave them to us and Arthur and I just do not like cucumbers. I thought of you folks and how you like them and how you paid 35 cents for two one time. Ha! I don't know if thse will be good or not and maybe you have all you want and they may be cheap but never the less I think you can use them or give them to someone. I hope they do not spoil onthe way to Minnesota. The joke will be on me if you open them and find 4 rotten cucumbes. They were nice and firm when I mailed them.
The people that gave us the cucumbers gave us a big bag of potatoes. ( you know are scarce they are? or are tehy plentiful up there?) Potatoes are like gold to us and as scarce as hens teeth. They ration them out 10 pouns to a person here and most of the time you can't find them at all.
Well we found out what Marys fever was for . She broke out today with chicken poxs. My kids are like me. They get all kids diseases. I'm glad they are getting them young before they start school and in this warm climate they have everything mild. They say chicken pox will not scar. We must of had small pox when we were little. Your real sick with small pox but chicken pox is a much milder disease. mary was a little sick Friday but really hasn't acted to sick any of the time. She's wanted to play and run around all the time. I try to keep her quiet but doctors say if they feel able to play it won't hurt them. Her appetite wasn't so good Thursday Friday and Sat. Well I''ll say by now I'm much better myself.
I know you'll let mom and dad and the rest have a bite or two of the cucumbers but I remember you are especially found of them. Like I am of tomatoes ha! You paid 79 cents for some for me once 2 or 3 huh? Ha! We paid the freight remember.
Love and kissses Muriel and all
Fun old letter and it is written on company letter head of a company my father probably worked for. She was frugal and would of used this paper rather than buying stationary. I have her letters in mylar sheets and in a three ring binder to protect them.
Thanks for stopping by for Fearless Females and hope to see you again soon... Grace
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