I loved my uncle Don so much that when he died it was like losing one of my parents. He was my mother's older brother and I was a born on his birthday. We had a contest to see who could call the other first to say " Happy Birthday" . There came a time when he said I could have his birthdays he was old enough. No wonder I aged so fast.
Along with my father he was one of our family ministers. He married all of us girls and tended to most of the funerals in the family. He was a life long Democrat and very involved in politics. He was in small town plays and involved with the church. But most of all he was a family man. He loved his family.
In loving memory of
Rev Donald L Day
September 13, 1914
Mora Minnesota
September 5, 2006
Duluth, Minnesota
at the age of 91 years
Funeral service
Saturday September 9 2006 11:00 am
Peace United Church of Christ
Duluth, Minnesota
Forest Hill Cemetery
Duluth Minnesota
The Time Has Come for me
to leave this life. I have fought
the good fight. I have finished the
race. I have kept the faith. Now
there is in store for me the crown
of righteousness which the Lord,
the righteous judge, will award
to me on that day.
Paul's second letter to Timothy

Wow he was 91 years old. His mind was in great shape while the body was starting to wear out. When his time was here he went fast without any suffering which is what he wanted.
I visited him as often as I could until we moved to California. When we would make it back to Minnesota to visit family I always stopped to see him and my Aunt Lil.
With a little notice we would visit, have coffee and cookies and visit. He gave me a lot of the family information on that side of the family. I wish I had asked him questions years earlier. He may be gone but will never be forgotten to me. My Aunt Lil is still with us, in her 90's.. I think I had better go and share cookies with her soon.
Thanks for stopping by to visit and listening to me share about my uncle Don .. Grace
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