Lately I have been feeling so unorganized with my genealogy files. I have piles of papers that need to be filed, research to be done and family to learn about.
I have family tree program but am so behind putting information into it using ancestry to gain my information, printing out census or copying pictures but that is far as it has gone lately.
Most genealogists use one of three methods or a combination of methods
File folders
3 ring binders
computer storage
I have the computer storage but not up to date. I am also using the three ring binders but not kept up with my filing. I then thought of starting a file box but do I need another method really.
I have decided to continue with my binders and forget another method. In the past I had divided my family into 2 binders for my mother's family and one for my father's side.
I am working to start organizing my paper files. Last week I divided my mother's side into 2 binders and my father's side into 2 binders. All are different colors to help keep my research straight.
Next is do make sure I have a 5 generation family pedigree for each of my great great grandparents and a family group record for each of my families and then to start filing what I have already.
From there I hope to work on time lines and to start working on research logs better than I have in the past.
How do you keep up with your research and filing your research. I know that I need to improve here so I am not copying the same papers over and over.
Hope that you all have a great night with your family research. Grace
A Genealogical Journey A chronicle of ongoing research with genealogy tips for the internet researcher. If you see any surnames that are familiar to you, feel free to message me
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
WORDLESS WEDNESDAY ~ Vintage Plaque ~ What God Hath Promised
For almost wordless Wednesday I am sharing a plaque that hung in my grandparents home and now is displayed in mine. It has hung on the walls of my homes, at this time is on displayed with my Civil War collectibles.
I love vintage religious plaques and especially when I know they were hanging in the home of my grandparents.
Thanks for stopping by.. I hope that you stop by again real soon. Grace
What God Hath Promised
God hath not promised skies always blue
Flowers streum pathways all our lives through.
God hath not promised sun with out rain,
Joy without sorrow, peace with out pain.
But God hat promised, strength for the day,
Rest for the labor, light on the way;
Grace for the trail, help from above,
Unfailing sympathy, undying love.
The Lord is good to all ps 145:9
I love vintage religious plaques and especially when I know they were hanging in the home of my grandparents.
Thanks for stopping by.. I hope that you stop by again real soon. Grace
Sunday, March 27, 2011
OBITUARY SUNDAY William Albert Day February 19, 1920
This picture is of William Albert , Carrie Lockwood Day and family
about 1917 Sacred Heart, Minnesota
back row Gladys, Dewey, Morris, William H, Fairfax, Bernard, Grace
front row Carrie, Lester and William Albert Day
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Surname Saturday ROUSE Family
This picture is of Lemuel Green Cheuvront and Mary Rouse.
Grace Zion daughter of
Arthur Zion and Muriel Day
Arthur son of Perry Zion and Alta Hall
Alta daughter of Arthur Hall and Mabel Coleman
Mabel daughter of John H Coleman and Alta A Cheuvront
Alta daughter of Lemuel Cheuvront and Mary A ROUSE
Mary Rouse b 30 October 1813 in New York to Smith Rouse and Joanna Green and died 21 January 1904 in Taylor Loup, Nebraska. Mary married Lemuel Cheuvront and together they had 6 children.
Smith Rouse born 03 October 1769 in Dutchess, New York to John Doty Rouse and Hannah Smith. Smith Rouse died the 19 May 1840 in Otsego, Muskingum, Ohio. Smith and Joanna married the 13th of July 1801 in Rensselaer, New York and had at at least 6 children. This needs to be researched more.
John Doty Rouse was born 09 December, 1741 in Nine Partners,Dutchess,New York and died 19 January, 1834 in Lansint, Tompkins, New York. John married Hannah Smith.
John was a Captain in the Revolutionary War. While I was in Washington DC many years ago I copied some records of John at the National Archives. They have sat in a file folder since.
One paper I found tonight is that when he died he had 7 surviving children. John, Smith, Anthony, Amos, Mary wife of William Morrison, Peggy wife of William Clark and Rebecca Rouse wife of Jonathan Eddy. This paper also tells me that his wife was Lida Rouse.
I will share this completely soon.
thanks for stopping by.. Grace
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Fearless Females ~ Post 17 ~ Social Butterfly
Fearless Females ~ March 17 ~ Social Butterfly?
March 17 — Social Butterfly? What social organizations or groups did your mother or grandmother belong to? Sewing circle, church group, fraternal benefit society or lodge? Describe her role in the group.
My grandmothers and mother were involved in the church mainly. Singing in the choir and working on church suppers. My mother was involved in the PTA at my grade school. Even though she was crippled from polio that did not stop her. If my father was not at home because of work we would take a taxi cab the 2 1/2 blocks to my grade school so she could go to meetings or volunteer at school functions.
Thanks for stopping by for Fearless Females.. Grace
March 17 — Social Butterfly? What social organizations or groups did your mother or grandmother belong to? Sewing circle, church group, fraternal benefit society or lodge? Describe her role in the group.
My grandmothers and mother were involved in the church mainly. Singing in the choir and working on church suppers. My mother was involved in the PTA at my grade school. Even though she was crippled from polio that did not stop her. If my father was not at home because of work we would take a taxi cab the 2 1/2 blocks to my grade school so she could go to meetings or volunteer at school functions.
Thanks for stopping by for Fearless Females.. Grace
Fearless Females ~ Post 16 ~ Let's Do Lunch!

Fearless Females ~ March 16 ~ Let's Do Lunch!
March 16 — If you could have lunch (or another meal) with any female family member (living or dead) or any famous female who would it be and why? Where would you go? What would you eat?
March 16 — If you could have lunch (or another meal) with any female family member (living or dead) or any famous female who would it be and why? Where would you go? What would you eat?
If I could have a meal with my female family it would be at my grandmother Grace's house and we would be having Sunday dinner.
The smells would be inviting and the food delicious. Sitting around the table would be my grandmother, aunt Daisy, aunt Lil and my mother. Also you would find the men of the family and my cousins.
We would eat roast beef, mashed potatoes, gravy and corn. There would be olives, pickles and little slices of American cheese. And of course pie for desert with vanilla ice cream.
Recently we drove by my grandparents house and I though how fun it would be to live there. To be inside that house one more time.
thanks for stopping by as I post on my fearless females... late on my postings of course but I will get there eventually.. Grace
Fearless Females ~ Post 15 ~ Six-Word Tribute

Fearless Females ~ March 15 ~ Six-Word Tribute
Mother .. kind, loving, religious, beautiful, generous, funny
My mother was unbelieveable and I strive to be like her. I fall short alot of the time but then strive again.
The hardest time of my life was watching her leave us and I struggled with the pain for a year. As I write this the pain comes back to my chest.
She was the rock of our family.
thanks for stopping by for fearless female... Grace
Fearless Females Post 14 ~ In the News Polio Epidemic

Fearless Females ~ March 14 ~ In the News Polio Epidemic
When my mother got polio and was in the hospital her name was in the newspaper along with other patients with this horrible disease.
My sister and I went to Bay town Texas last year and made copies of the newspaper articles.
I posted about this awhile back and you can read that post by going here if you like.
Thanks for stopping by for Fearless Females .. Grace
Fearless Female ~ Post 13 ~ Moment Of Strength

March 13 ~ Moment of Strength ~ Share a story where a female ancestor showed courage or strength in a difficult situation.
So many of these postings around fearless females end up being my mother. She was the strongest sweetest woman you could meet.
She showed us her strength and courage from the day she was diagnosed with polio until her death in 1998. A day does not go by that I do not think of her and remember her with so much love. My mom came out of this horrible disease alive, many did not. She was handicapped, wearing a brace and using crutches her whole life.
This never stopped her. She could of sat home and felt sorry for herself but did not.
She raised my sister and me and had two more children. Arthur Jr who passed away shortly after birth and my brother David. She was involved in the church and my school. She is my inspiration.
So many of these postings around fearless females end up being my mother. She was the strongest sweetest woman you could meet.
She showed us her strength and courage from the day she was diagnosed with polio until her death in 1998. A day does not go by that I do not think of her and remember her with so much love. My mom came out of this horrible disease alive, many did not. She was handicapped, wearing a brace and using crutches her whole life.
This never stopped her. She could of sat home and felt sorry for herself but did not.
She raised my sister and me and had two more children. Arthur Jr who passed away shortly after birth and my brother David. She was involved in the church and my school. She is my inspiration.
She loved her family and loved God. She was sweet, kind and generous. Even if money was tight for us as a family if she knew a friend of ours needed a winter coat that person would get a winter coat. She loved cookies, playing Yahtzee with family and people watching.
Thanks for stopping by for fearless females.. hope that you come back real soon. Grace
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Fearless Females ~ Post 12 ~ Working Girl

Fearless Females ~ March 12 ~ Working Girl
Meet My Great Aunt 3x Removed the Postmistress of Greenwood Nebraska ... Catherine Coleman
One of my favorite working females is Catherine Coleman who I found at ancestry who was a post mistress. She never married and devoted her life to her family and career. You can read about her on an earlier post here.
Women were encouraged to not marry if they wanted to work in the postal system in the early 1900's. Catherine never married and in the 1930's census she is listed living alone and renting
Meet My Great Aunt 3x Removed the Postmistress of Greenwood Nebraska ... Catherine Coleman
One of my favorite working females is Catherine Coleman who I found at ancestry who was a post mistress. She never married and devoted her life to her family and career. You can read about her on an earlier post here.
Women were encouraged to not marry if they wanted to work in the postal system in the early 1900's. Catherine never married and in the 1930's census she is listed living alone and renting
Thanks for stopping by to read about my fearless females. .. Grace
Fearless Females Post 11 ~ Tragic or Unexpected Deaths
Fearless Females ~ March 11 Tragic or Unexpected Deaths. To me I find the death of my grandmother Alta tragic since she died in the middle of her life of cancer to the brain. I never was able to meet her but I have letters that she wrote to my parents those last months. She was always so upbeat but her hand writting was changing.
Grandma Alta Hall Zion born June 26, 1892 in Evansville Wisconsin to Arthur R and Mabel (Coleman) Hall.
Grandma Alta Hall Zion born June 26, 1892 in Evansville Wisconsin to Arthur R and Mabel (Coleman) Hall.
Alta married Perry June 11, 1913 in Taylor, Nebraska. They had 5 children, John, George, Alice , Arthur ( my dad) and Joe .
Grandma Alta died February 21, 1944 in Winlock Wisconsin.
I treasure the letters of have from her as some of her vintage china and the fact that my middle name is her name. It is my connection to this wonderful wife, mother, daughter and grandmother.
Thanks for stopping by for Fearless Females. .. Grace
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Fearless Females Post 10 ~ Religion

Fearless Females: March 10: Religion
Religion was important in our family with my father being a minister. I have no female members that were active in any real capacity of the church like a minister.
They always were very active with going to church more than once a week, singing in the choir and being Sunday School teachers.
Thanks for stopping by for Fearless females. Previous post shows the church my great grandmother was a member at. Grace
Fearless Females Post 9 ~ Family Documents

Fearless Females: March 9: Family Documents
The picture shows Fairfax, George Warner and Great Grandma Carrie holding her granddaugher Helen ( son Lester's daughter)
The picture shows Fairfax, George Warner and Great Grandma Carrie holding her granddaugher Helen ( son Lester's daughter)

This certificate tells me that she became a member of Grace Lutheran "Pineneedle" in McGregor Minnesota ( Sandy Lake) on the 10th of May 1942. The minister was Rev C Zimmerman
I also have a real picture postcard showing the inside of the church from that time period.

I have a feeling that this was a happy time in her life. She was married for a second time, first husband has passed away. She was living on a lake with George Warner her husband and her son Fairfax probably lived near by.
Thanks for stopping by for Fearless Females. I am behind but slowly trying to catch up.
Fearless Females Blog 8: DIaries, Letters, and Journals

Fearless Females Blog Post: March 8: Diaries, Letters, and Journals
Did one of your female ancestors leave a diary, journal, or collection of letters? Share an entry or excerpt.
Did one of your female ancestors leave a diary, journal, or collection of letters? Share an entry or excerpt.
I have letters written by my mother and both of my grandmothers. I shared a letter here my mother wrote 9n June 8th 1952 when she was not feeling well. With in days she was in the hospital with Polio.
Here is another letter she wrote on June 11, 1952 Baytown Texas
Dear Daisy
Just a short letter to explain about the contents of a small package I'm sending you. Its sort of a joke package although I know you'll like what I've sent you. the joke package conatins about four cucumbers. Some people gave them to us and Arthur and I just do not like cucumbers. I thought of you folks and how you like them and how you paid 35 cents for two one time. Ha! I don't know if thse will be good or not and maybe you have all you want and they may be cheap but never the less I think you can use them or give them to someone. I hope they do not spoil onthe way to Minnesota. The joke will be on me if you open them and find 4 rotten cucumbes. They were nice and firm when I mailed them.
The people that gave us the cucumbers gave us a big bag of potatoes. ( you know are scarce they are? or are tehy plentiful up there?) Potatoes are like gold to us and as scarce as hens teeth. They ration them out 10 pouns to a person here and most of the time you can't find them at all.
Well we found out what Marys fever was for . She broke out today with chicken poxs. My kids are like me. They get all kids diseases. I'm glad they are getting them young before they start school and in this warm climate they have everything mild. They say chicken pox will not scar. We must of had small pox when we were little. Your real sick with small pox but chicken pox is a much milder disease. mary was a little sick Friday but really hasn't acted to sick any of the time. She's wanted to play and run around all the time. I try to keep her quiet but doctors say if they feel able to play it won't hurt them. Her appetite wasn't so good Thursday Friday and Sat. Well I''ll say by now I'm much better myself.
I know you'll let mom and dad and the rest have a bite or two of the cucumbers but I remember you are especially found of them. Like I am of tomatoes ha! You paid 79 cents for some for me once 2 or 3 huh? Ha! We paid the freight remember.
Love and kissses Muriel and all
Fun old letter and it is written on company letter head of a company my father probably worked for. She was frugal and would of used this paper rather than buying stationary. I have her letters in mylar sheets and in a three ring binder to protect them.
Thanks for stopping by for Fearless Females and hope to see you again soon... Grace
Fearless Females Post 7 Favorite Recipe
Fearless Females Blog Post: March 7: Favorite Recipe
March 7 — Share a favorite recipe from your mother or grandmother’s kitchen. Why is this dish your favorite? If you don’t have one that’s been passed down, describe a favorite holiday or other meal you shared with your family.
March 7 — Share a favorite recipe from your mother or grandmother’s kitchen. Why is this dish your favorite? If you don’t have one that’s been passed down, describe a favorite holiday or other meal you shared with your family.
My mother made Watergate Salad for family gatherings. Easy and tasty treat. We still make it for large family gatherings. I have shared the recipe over at my food/coupon blog. You can get the recipe here if you like.
Fearless Females Post 6 ~ Heirlooms
March 6 — Describe an heirloom you may have inherited from a female ancestor.
I have several heirlooms. I wear my mother's wedding rings every day. They are so fragile they have been connected.

These two darling bears are made out of my mother's mink coat and my grandmother's fur coat. There was enough fur that not only do us girls have them but my brother and the grand sons also have one or two bears.

thanks for stopping by..hope to see you again soon. Grace
I have several heirlooms. I wear my mother's wedding rings every day. They are so fragile they have been connected.
These two darling bears are made out of my mother's mink coat and my grandmother's fur coat. There was enough fur that not only do us girls have them but my brother and the grand sons also have one or two bears.
I have dishes that belonged to both grandmothers and have started to share these with grandchildren and family bibles. I posted about these Bibles before. You can read the posting at the link.

The most treasured are my mother's rings and family bibles that have been passed down . I have started to pass on some of the bibles but I have kept these two for now.
thanks for stopping by..hope to see you again soon. Grace
Fearless Females Post 5 ~ How They Met
Fearless Females Blog Post ~ March 5 ~ How They Met?
I really do not know any stories how any of my ancestors met other than my parents. My father was in the Merchant Marines and docked in Duluth Minnesota. It was May of 1943. My father found a little church to attend church services at and there he met my grandparents Bill and Grace. Of course being the sweet people they were, he was invited for Sunday dinner. After all he was in uniform.
I really do not know any stories how any of my ancestors met other than my parents. My father was in the Merchant Marines and docked in Duluth Minnesota. It was May of 1943. My father found a little church to attend church services at and there he met my grandparents Bill and Grace. Of course being the sweet people they were, he was invited for Sunday dinner. After all he was in uniform.
At my parents house on a table was my mother's picture. Story is my father fell in love with her at that moment.
He found out where she worked which was the Asia Cafe. He just happened to stop in and introduce himself.
They dated from that time until October 1943 when they married. During the months between meeting and marrying at times they were separated because of his job. They wrote to each other and I have the postcards my father wrote my mom.
This is a true love story and they were together till mama passed away in 1998. Dad passed on in 2008 and I know they are together again.
I wish I had other stories of ancestors meeting but I do not.
Thanks for stopping by... hope to see you again soon.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Fearless Females Post 4 ~ Marriage Records

Fearless Females Blog Post~ March 4~ Marriage Records
The only vintage marriage record I have is of my great grandmother Katherine Gallagher to Appleton Esler and it is into pieces. But I have it and it is beautiful.
I posted about it before in October of 2010. It is treasured that is for sure.
Thanks for stopping by for my Fearless Female series .. Grace
Thanks for stopping by for my Fearless Female series .. Grace
Fearless Females Blog Post 3 ~ Names and Naming Patterns
Fearless Females Blog Post ~ March 3 ~ Names and Naming Patterns...
I was named after my two grandmothers..
I was named after my two grandmothers..
Grace after my mother's mother

and Alta after my father's mother.
Grandma Alta is on the right hand side. This is a graduation picture with two of her friends
I have always loved my name feeling it is so special to be named after love ones.
Alta is a name of other ancestors on my father's side. My great great grandmother is Alta Cheauvront.
Thanks for stopping by as I try to catch up on the Fearless Female series. .. Grace
Monday, March 7, 2011
Fearless Females Post 2 ~ Photograph

Fearless Females Blog Post: March 2: Photograph
March 2 — Post a photo of one of your female ancestors. Who is in the photo? When was it taken? Why did you select this photo?
March 2 — Post a photo of one of your female ancestors. Who is in the photo? When was it taken? Why did you select this photo?
This is a photo of my great grandmother Carrie Lockwood Day with her sister in law Anna Day Norton. Anna is my great grand aunt.
This picture would of been taken in Minnesota and some time around 1912 to 1913.
I love this photo, it shows great grandma Carrie in her early 40's. I am not positive but I think that grandma Carrie is on the right hand side. I will be comparing her to other photos to be sure.
I love this photo, it shows great grandma Carrie in her early 40's. I am not positive but I think that grandma Carrie is on the right hand side. I will be comparing her to other photos to be sure.
I know so little about my great grand aunt Anna at this time. Need to spend some time with the siblings of my ancestors.
Thanks for stopping by for Fearless Female series. I am late but will work at catching up the best I can. Grace
Fearless Females Post 1 ~ Favorite Female Ancestor
This morning I stopped over at geneabloggers to read some postings and get ideas for what I wanted to share today.
I came across The Accidental Genealogist and she is doing a series on Fearless Females.
Okay I am late for the party but thought I would try to catch up over the next days.
Fearless Females Blog Post: March 1 - Favorite Female Ancestor ..
How can you possibly pick a favorite female.
Favorite in terms of love of course is my mama.
Female I wish I had met is my grandma Alta. She passed away in 1944 and I was born in 1948.
Female I admire for what she must of gone through in the late 1890's is my great grandmother Katherine.
this is Katherine with husband Appleton. They married shortly after she gave birth to Grandma Grace.
She had my grandmother Grace out of wedlock and her parents
supposedly turned her picture to the wall. I do not know the whole story, but I would of loved to sit with her and listened to her stories.
Female I enjoyed being with eating cookies and drinking ginger ale is my grandma Grace. She never shared the above story and I did not learn any of this until after she had passed away.
I wish she had shared more with me.
Female I want to learn more about .... all of them .
There are so many stories out there. So much to learn and share with my grandchildren. I want them to know some of the stories.
I came across The Accidental Genealogist and she is doing a series on Fearless Females.
Okay I am late for the party but thought I would try to catch up over the next days.
Fearless Females Blog Post: March 1 - Favorite Female Ancestor ..
How can you possibly pick a favorite female.
Favorite in terms of love of course is my mama.

She had my grandmother Grace out of wedlock and her parents
Female I enjoyed being with eating cookies and drinking ginger ale is my grandma Grace. She never shared the above story and I did not learn any of this until after she had passed away.
I wish she had shared more with me.

There are so many stories out there. So much to learn and share with my grandchildren. I want them to know some of the stories.
Thanks for stopping by.. Grace
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
March Is Women History Month
With March being Women History month this is a good reason to spend more time on my female ancestors.
Last year during March I shared on three of my female ancestors in my life.
this is my mom and dad
First post was about my mother and aunt daisy. You can read about them here.
bridget's wedding photo
Second posting was on my great grand aunt Bridget, sister of my great grandmother Katherine Gallagher. You can read about Bridget here.
My third post was on grand aunt Pearl Hall, sister of my grandmother Alta Hall Zion. You can read about her here.
I look forward to spending some time with my female ancestors this month. Hope that you will stop by again as I share on the women in my life.
thanks for stopping by.. Grace
Last year during March I shared on three of my female ancestors in my life.

First post was about my mother and aunt daisy. You can read about them here.
Second posting was on my great grand aunt Bridget, sister of my great grandmother Katherine Gallagher. You can read about Bridget here.
My third post was on grand aunt Pearl Hall, sister of my grandmother Alta Hall Zion. You can read about her here.
I look forward to spending some time with my female ancestors this month. Hope that you will stop by again as I share on the women in my life.
thanks for stopping by.. Grace
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Getting To Know Great Uncle Norton Zion
Tonight I thought I would see what more I could find on my grandfather Perry's brother Norton Zion at . I do not think I ever met him. He died on November 26,1957 and was living in Farmington, New Mexico. I only met my grandfather Perry a couple of times and he lived in Winlock, Washington.
Norton was born to Jonathan and Rachel Millsap in Tuskega, Decatur, Iowa on the 11th of May 1889. They resided in Iowa,Minnesota, Nebraska and Colorado as a family.
Norton was born to Jonathan and Rachel Millsap in Tuskega, Decatur, Iowa on the 11th of May 1889. They resided in Iowa,Minnesota, Nebraska and Colorado as a family.
The 1910 census has him with his parents in Nebraska and working on the family farm.
In 1917 he registered for World War 1. The family is living in Grand Junction, Colorado. The registration form tells me that he is tall and has a medium built. His hair is brown and has blue eyes. It states he is working on the family farm and has a disability, having only one eye. Not sure when he lost his eye but probably happened in a farming accident.
On the 24th of October 1917 Norton marries Roxanna Evelyn Stevenson in Grand Junction, Colorado. This marriage brought six children three girls and three boys. Nellie, Norma, Ruth, Ivan 1918, Robert 1921 and James 1924. I do not have the birth dates of the girls yet.
By 1941 Norton and his family are living in Spanaway, Washington when he registered for World War 2. The registration form tells us that he is working in the Seattle/ Tacoma Washington ship yard.
On the 25th of March 1946 his wife Roxanna passes away in Pierce, Washington
On the 07 th of March 1951 when Norton is 61 years old he marries Gertrude Neal in Arapahoe County, Colorado.
Norton passes away the 26th of November 1957 in Farmington, San Juan, New Mexico.
His obituary is as follows
Norton Zion, 68, a resident of Spanaway for 10 years before moving to Farmington, New Mexico in 1953, died there Tuesday.
He was born in Lamoni, Iowa. Mr. Zion was a member of the Assembly of God Church.
He leaves a son, James of California; three daughters, Mrs. Nellie Williams of Farmington, N.M., Mrs Norma Geesey of Mesa, Arizonia and Mrs. Ruth King of Wheatride, Colorado; three sisters, Mrs. Etta Exley of Sterling,Colorado, Mrs. Bessie Waters, Palisade, Colo. and Mrs. Gertrude Seick of Tacoma, Wa a brother Perry of Winlock and nine grandchildren.
Services will be announced by Tuell Mortuary.
Most of this information I knew already. What I learned new was on the WWW 1 registration form. I learnt his physical description and that he had lost an eye. What I have not found is the 1920 or the 1930 census'. I spent some time last night looking around with no success.
In the 1920 census I found his father and sister Gertrude living in Colorado but could not find him near by.
His obituary is as follows
Norton Zion, 68, a resident of Spanaway for 10 years before moving to Farmington, New Mexico in 1953, died there Tuesday.
He was born in Lamoni, Iowa. Mr. Zion was a member of the Assembly of God Church.
He leaves a son, James of California; three daughters, Mrs. Nellie Williams of Farmington, N.M., Mrs Norma Geesey of Mesa, Arizonia and Mrs. Ruth King of Wheatride, Colorado; three sisters, Mrs. Etta Exley of Sterling,Colorado, Mrs. Bessie Waters, Palisade, Colo. and Mrs. Gertrude Seick of Tacoma, Wa a brother Perry of Winlock and nine grandchildren.
Services will be announced by Tuell Mortuary.
Most of this information I knew already. What I learned new was on the WWW 1 registration form. I learnt his physical description and that he had lost an eye. What I have not found is the 1920 or the 1930 census'. I spent some time last night looking around with no success.
In the 1920 census I found his father and sister Gertrude living in Colorado but could not find him near by.
I will continue my search by looking at his siblings and two grandfathers John Henderson Zion and Flavious Millsap to see if he was living near them. I do not know Norton's middle name, if he evan has one so can not use this in the census searches. I do have his sisters names from the obituary. If I search for them with their married names I may find him. With the last name Zion it should not be so hard to find him so the search will continue. I also searched and did not find anything there on Norton as of yet.
Thanks for stopping by as share the researching of my family... Grace
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