A Genealogical Journey A chronicle of ongoing research with genealogy tips for the internet researcher. If you see any surnames that are familiar to you, feel free to message me
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Time Line Thursday William Bella Millsap Great Grandfather 3x Great
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Identifying ZION Family Photos Who Are These Relatives

One of my goals this year is to work on family photos and trying to identify those that I can. If I should luck out and someone sees from the name Zion in the title and thinks they are related please let me know in comments.
Thanks for stopping by.. hope that you will stop again
Monday, December 27, 2010
Amanuensis Monday 05 1952 Polio Epidemic In The News
What does "amanuensis" mean? John offers this definition:"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."
Last week I shared a letter that I had come across that my mother wrote to her family June 1952. She wrote this on letter head from a company my father either worked for or had worked for. The letter is newsy but also she is sharing that she is not feeling well. She would be taken to the hospital with days and be diagnoised with Polio.
Last summer my sister and I with our husbands took a day trip to Baytown, Texas. Our parents lived there in 1952. We found the house we had lived in, had lunch and then went to the library to find articles of the Polio epedimic at that time.
It is so much different to read these articles when you see your mother's name in print.
All articles are from the Baytown Sun ... Baytown, Texas
June 14th 1952
Polio claims second life
Concern over the polio epidemic in Baytown increased after the death of Jules N Weathers, 35. A Cyrpress street housewife was also added to the list of patients. Mrs. A. R. Zion of 1201 Cypress was taken to Hedgecroft clinic Fiday morning in a Paul L Lee Ambulance.

June 16th 1952
Latest Polio Victim Taken To Hospital
Mrs. A. R. Zion, 1201 Cypress Baytown's latest polio patient, was reported Monday to be in serious condition in Hedgecroft clinic in Houston.
June 17th 1952
Three Iron Lung Cases From Area Reported Critical
Three polio patients from the Baytown area were in Iron lungs at Hedgecroft clinic ( Houston) Tuesday and were reported in critical condition.
There were Lee college Instructor J C Chamberlain, Mrs. A. R. Zion 23 year old Baytown housewife and George Mathis of La Porte.
A special nurse was being sought for Chamberlain, Mrs. a W Costley, a friend of the family said that she had been able to obtain one on a temporary basis after calling all day yesterday in the Baytown area.
She asked that any available nurse call her.
Other polio patients from this area were reported resting comfortably.
June 18, 1952
Shortage of Nurses Is Biggest Problem Says Hospital Chief
Still critical
Three polio patients from Baytown in Hedgecroft clinic remained in critical condition Wednesday. There were Lee college Instructor J. C. Chamberlain and Mrs. A R Zion of Baytown and George Mathis of La Porte. All remain in iron lungs
Late Bulletin
Eleven new patients, one of them the mayor of Richmond, Texas were diagnosed Wednesday as having polio and four others were listed as " possible " cases as the outbreak continued unabated in Houston and Harris county.
It is interesting to read newspapers from this time period. My mom came out of this horrible disease alive, many did not. She was handicapped, wearing a brace and using crutches her whole life.
This never stopped her. She could of sat home and felt sorry for herself but did not.
She raised my sister and me and had two more children. Arthur Jr who passed away shortlay after birth and my brother David. She was involved in the church and my school. She is my inspiration.
thanks for stopping by and reading some of my sharings of my mother.
I hope that you will return soon. Grace
Sunday, December 26, 2010
On This Day McCormick Zion Dies in 1863
Friday, December 24, 2010
Wishing You A Merry Christmas With A Few Thoughts From Me

As this wonderful Christmas holiday approaches us I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and pray that we all welcome in a wonderful New Year. I pray that our next year is better and more prosperous than the last for all of us.
As we share the holidays with our family and friends lets please think and pray for those that are less fortunate then us.
Pray for the hungry, the homeless and those suffering from addictions , diseases and mental illness. My one thought always is " but for the grace of God there go I ".
Lets take a moment and pray for our service men and service women. And for those that are in harms way in a foreign country give them an extra thought and prayer. Pray for their families that are left here to deal with every day happenings without them. The majority of them do so much for so little.
Lets pray for our government officials that they have the wisdom to do what is best for all of us and the knowledge to do it with out fighting.
If you are still blessed to have your parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts be thankful. Take a moment to hug and kiss them. Take a few minutes and ask them to share their stories with you. Some day sadly they will be gone and you will then wish that you knew more of their history.
I am reminded of a conversation at my hubby's birthday party. I made a comment about getting married the first time and my step son and his family had never heard that story. I have been married to husband #2 for almost 22 years. We celebrate our wedding anniversary on the 30Th of December. They know very little about my history. That is probably my fault and maybe some of theirs.

This is hubby and me 10 years ago at a dinner theater on New Years eve. Guess it is time to get a new nice picture of us. He still has the tie and I probably still have that outfit. Question is can I still get into it.
So much contact today is emails and text messages. I personally detest text messages saying
" happy anything " Take a moment and call your family. Here a voice and say I love you to some one. When I get one I just delete it as if it did not happen. Except for one text message from my grand daughter Kirsten. She sent me one and it is of a loud " Kiss " and "I Love You"
I play it often. It was not sent for a birthday, Christmas message or any reason other than she thought of me and sent it. Grandpa got one too. Thanks Kirsten I smile when I replay it.
I am busy always searching and writing about my ancestors but I guess it is time to do some sharing of my life in writing. How I wish I had more of my parents, grandparents and past relatives stories. There are so many stories untold. As I share some of my life on my family blog site I have been printing some of them so I can give to family in the future.
Now with all of that I will leave you for now. It is time to make another pot of coffee, put on one of my favorite Christmas movies " Love Actually " with Hugh Grant and make my Watergate Salad for our Christmas eve party tonight.
I appreciate all of you that take a moment to visit my sites and to those of you who leave a message an extra thank you . Merry Christmas to you and your families .. Grace
Advent Calendar - Day 24 Christmas Eve

Thursday, December 23, 2010
Christmas Advent Day 23 Sweetheart Memories Las Vegas Style

Do you have a special memory of a first Christmas present from a sweetheart?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Wordless Wednesday ( Almost) Birthday Greetings From Grandma Day

I have been going through piles and piles of pictures, letters and cards. I have been the keeper of all since sometime in 1998.
My plans all these years has been to sort, make copies and put in family history binders and share with cousins, children, grandchildren.
My grandmother Grace and grandfather Bill Day sent me lots of birthday cards the first years. We lived in Texas and they were in Minnesota at that time. I have not been able to find any Christmas cards as of yet.

Here is a very pretty Birthday card that was sent to me September 1949. I was one year old and the first grandchild. Within days my cousin Bonnie would be born.
I am sharing this post on gratituesday
Thanks for stopping by and sharing some of my memories. Now back to the piles of treasures. Grace
Advent Calendar Day 22 Christmas and Deceased Relatives
I have been spending time these last days going through boxes of pictures and scanning them to put on http://www.ancestry.com/ and attempting to put some organization to them. That has brought a lot of smiles to my face as I look at old pictures.

Great Grandma Mabel Coleman Hall mother of my grandmother Alta Hall Zion
My grandpa Perry Zion with his cart full of milk cans on the way to the barn. Grandpa passed away December 21, 1958

This is my great aunt Mary. Back of picture says second adult back row. Does not tell me left or right side. I am thinking left but who knows. Probably taken in Wisconsin. I need to date picture better so I have a better idea. Mary was born in 1866 -1934
Great uncle Russell Esler taken in Mora Minnesota. I love the hat
And last is my daddy taken in Texas late 1940's with one of his many cars. He loved his cars.
Some of these relatives I was lucky to meet and some left before I was born. I love these old photos.
Thanks for stopping by to visit.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Tombstone Tuesday Great Great Grandfather John T Lockwood
Advent Calendar Day 21 Christmas Music

Monday, December 20, 2010
Amanuensis Monday 04 Mama's Letters To Family 1952 The Threat Of Polio Is In The Air

What does "amanuensis" mean? John offers this definition:"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."

that's me with the mouth open trying to catch flies I think and my sister in front of the house we lived in at that time. We really lived in half of it since it was a duplex.
Advent Christmas Calendar Day 20 Religious Service

Sunday, December 19, 2010
Sentimental Sunday Meet My Great Grand Aunt Etta Anna Zion

I would like to introduce you to my great grand Aunt Etta Anna Gertrude Zion
Etta was born 21st of September 1868 Decatur County, Iowa and passed away 31st of December 1890 Lamoni, Decatur, Iowa.
She was only 22 years old and I really know very little of her. How did she die so young. Was it an accident or illness that caused her early death.
She was born to John Henderson and Mary (Cassell) Zion and had four siblings Mary, William, Jonathan Adam ( my great grandfather).
I find this photo very interesting. She appears to be in her early 20's so close to the time she passes away. She is holding on to a pole which could be an umbrella and there is someone standing next to her, but all you can see is an arm and a shoe and a small part of his body.
I went to Soozin family page on http://www.ancestry.com/ to see what she had on Etta and found that Etta had married a Maley Percy the 20th of August, 1890 just two months before her death. How sad is that.
From that knowledge I feel this could be a wedding or engagement picture with Maley and for some reason some one left him out of the picture when they had this printed. Could this even be a postmortem photo printed after she passed away to show she had died? That is what I think it is.
Another interesting fact is the Iowa Cemetery Records have her listed as Etta G Zion. She is buried in the Lillie cemetery where her parents are buried.
Advent Calendar Day 19 Christmas Shopping

Saturday, December 18, 2010
Surname Saturday Riordan Family Line Ireland to Wisconsin
Tonight for Surname Saturday I am at the Riordan family line using an Ahnentefel Report.
I know really nothing about this family and have searched very little. It is a real brick wall for me.
My great great grandmother Johanna Riordan came from Ireland in the 1850's. She married Patrick Gallaher another Irish immigrant. Did they marry in Ireland and travel to USA or did they meet and marry. Sadly I have no idea.
They lived and died in LaCrosse, Wisconsin and are buried there.
For now this is what I have on this line
1. Grace Zion daughter of 3. Muriel Day and 2. Arthur Zion
3. Muriel Day daughter of 7. Grace Daly Esler and 6. William Henry Day
7. Grace Daly Esler daughter of 15. Katherine Gallaher/Gallagher and Andrew Daly. Katherine and Andrew never married.
15. Katherine was born 10 May 1874 La Crosse Wisconsin and died 19 March 1940. She married Appleton Esler of Minnesota. With Appleton, Katherine had two more children Merle Esler 1906, and Jesse Wayne Esler 1909.
Appleton had two children before he married Katherine, Tillie and Russell. They were raised by Appleton and Katherine. My mother and her siblings never knew Andrew Daly and thought of Appleton as their grandfather.
15. Katherine Gallaher/Gallagher daughter of 30. Patrick Gallaher/Gallagher and 31. Joanna Riordan
31. Johanna Riordan was born about August 1833 in Ireland and died in La Crosse, Wisconsin the 12th of July 1902. Johanna married Patrick Gallaher before 1866 ( 1838 - 1898). Together they had four children, Mary 1866, Bridget 1869, William, and Katherine 1874. Mary never married and William died early so there is no descendants from either of them.
At http://www.ancestry.com/ I have listed her father as Dennis but I need to prove this and find out her mother's name.
My clues are to see if I can get death certificates for them and then to find family that is related through my great grandmother Katherine.
She had a sister Bridget that married and had children. This will have to be my link to them.
I also have some old photo albums that belonged to Katherine and maybe her sister Mary. I will need to pull these out to see if there is any hints there.
At one time a distant cousin contacted me through http://www.ancestry.com/ . On my to do list is to contact this person again. I saved her email to me so I do know what she has found so far. Even though she offered to share copies with me this has not happened as of yet.
Thanks for stopping by.. please come back again soon.. Grace
Creating A Family Itinerary # 1
I was wandering around there for just a few minutes but I know I could spend hours just reading articles there.
Check out for yourself if you like . My dream is to spend some time this next year traveling and searching for family along with seeing sites of interest and meeting people along the way.
The article that interested me this morning was "Coming Home to New England: Creating a Family History Itinerary" by Maureen A. Taylor
Back in march of this year I wrote on this same topic with the hope of traveling when we got to Minnesota in August. Sadly this never happened for a couple of reasons.
Here is that article..
Be sure to pack the following tips when you visit your ancestor’s home so you can hit the ground running when you arrive.
Before You Leave:
Jot down addresses. Use city directories and street addresses from census records (you’ll find these in the left-hand margin in 1880 and beyond) at Ancestry.com.
Copy photos.
Look through the Ancestry.com postcard, newspaper, and yearbook collections to add to the collection of photos of the neighborhood you already have.
Get oriented.
Pull up a map online or select the town name from your ancestor’s profile in your Ancestry.com family tree. Use street views, when available, so you can see what the street looks like now – and when you get there. Keep in mind that street names and numbering may have changed over the years.
Local libraries, historical societies, and municipalities may have this information. For example, the Chicago Historical Society has posted street address conversion guides from 1909 and 1911 here. City directories can also contain this information.
In Person:
Find an expert. Visit the local library, visitors’ bureau, or historical society to ask questions about the neighborhood. See if historic tours are available. Learn what’s available.If finding in-person records are your goal, ask about what’s available at the library and the historical society. Visit the county courthouse to search for land and probate records.
Take in everything. Use your camera to recreate scenes from the old family photos you brought along.
Follow the paths your ancestor would have taken to school, to church, to work.
Get the real story. Stop by the local diner, sit at the counter, and start asking questions about what life used to be like there. Name drop – someone might have known your family.
Make notes. Pack a diary or start a blog (where you can also upload photos) and write about your experience. Note who you met, what you saw, and where you went.
You’ll want to revisit everything when you return home.Pinpoint answers.Snap photos at the cemetery of your ancestors’ tombstones and other ones you might find interesting (maybe you’ll discover you’re related one day your family is connected to them, too).
Have a GPS phone, camera, or other device? Jot down GPS coordinates of the places you’d like to visit again.
The New England Genealogical Article goes into more detail and worth the read if you are interested in doing travel research. I really love the part on going on historical tours where family lived but first things first.
The first goal is to start with making a list of all the places your ancestors lived and when.
We can find those place names probably in the genealogical documents we have accumulated—court records, census documents, and more.
Next they should be organize by surname (for a family specific trip) or by place name for a more general family history tour.
These records will depend on where and when our family lived.
This will be my first step: to go through the information I already have and list where my ancestors lived by state then area including which family lived there and when.
First stop is my own state, Minnesota and next will be Wisconsin since they will be the easiest to visit. Now to find my map and grab another cup of coffee.
Hope that you will join me on my plans to travel in search of my family roots. Grace
Advent Calendar Day 18 Christmas Stocking

Friday, December 17, 2010
Best Bytes For The Week
She gave us a link to free newspaper articles and some of what she has been able to find on her family. Sadly when I clicked Decatur County to see if there was anything on one of my families there was little transcribed as of yet.
I have hope that more will be transcribed in the future for me to read from my home computer..
I have also enjoyed reading this week the postings of benotforgot. She has been sharing newspaper articles about a murder in the family. I have always been a little morbid I guess and have a couple of unsolved deaths in my family.
These are just a couple I have enjoyed this week.
Advent Calendar Day 17 Christmas Memories

This is one of my favorites. It is a brooch that my mother bought as a gift for my grandmother Grace about 1942.
She gave me a note in her handwriting telling me that it cost her $12.00 which was a whole weeks wages and tips. She worked at the Asia Cafe, the same cafe my father went to and introduced himself to her after seeing her picture on my grandparents mantel.
I posted about this brooch before on December 10th 2009. It is one of my most priced possessions.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Advent Calendar Day 16 Christmas At School

Wednesday, December 15, 2010
On This Day December 15th Mandania Saxton Grover Reynolds Died
Mandania married John Gilbert Reynolds. To this marriage at least eight children were born. Louisia Maria was one of them and is my ancestor.
I know very little of Mandania at this time. She died at the young age of 39 years old. She has a story that needs to be told some day. Mandania is one of my 3rd great grandmothers on my father's side of the family.
Rest in peace grandma Mandania.
Advent Calender Day 15 Holiday Happenings
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Tombstone Tuesday William Albert and Carrie Lockwood Day

Advent Calender Day 14 Fruit Cake

Monday, December 13, 2010
On This Day December 13 Harriet Carpenter Is Born
Harriet's first husband was Daniel Christman who probably was some relative of Phebe, Harriet's mother.
Harriet third and last husband was Charles Cocagne. They were married the 24 of September 1872. They are buried together at Pleasant Prairie Cemetery, Zumbro Falls, Minnesota.
Happy birthday Grandma Harriet.
Advent Calender Day 13 Holiday Travel

Sunday, December 12, 2010
Advent Calendar Day 12 Charitable / Volunteer Work

On This Day December 12th My Grandpa Perry Was Born
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - Contribute to GeneaLeaks!
Here is what Randy says..
Come on geneaphiles - it's Saturday Night - time to have more Genealogy Fun!
Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to
:1) You've probably heard about WikiLeaks - the web site that has been exposing United States government secret documents to the world. Well, Travis LeMaster on his TJLGenes blog posted GeneaLeaks this week - please read his post. I had to make this a SNGF topic..
.2) For SNGF, please answer one or more of these questions:*
What GeneaLeak do you want to expose to the world from your own research or experience? Do it!*
What GeneaLeak about your own family history research would you like exposed to help you in your genealogy pursuit?*
What GeneaLeak about genealogy websites, collection providers, genealogy software or genealogy bloggers, writers, or colleagues would you like to see exposed? Be creative, but not mean, please!
3) Share your GeneaLeaks list on your own blog, as a comment to this blog post, or in a note or comment on Facebook.
Well here my GeneaLeaks
George Chauncey Carpenter a distant relative was shot and killed by longtime neighbors Ralph and Jay kilbourn over a wire fence line 31st of July 1927.
What I would like to have leaked is information on my great grandfather Andrew Daly of LaCrosse Wisconsin who fathered my grandmother.
Other than a picture of him in his 20's I really can not document him till I can find someone with the same picture. I have found a census that has his name and are when he was young but since then I have hit a brick wall.
this is my GeneLeaks.. if you have any that you want to share go over to Randy's blog..
thanks for stopping by.. Grace
Advent Christmas - Day 11 Other Traditions
Surname Saturday -- Eddington Family
It's Surname Saturday, and I am counting down my Ancestral Name List each week.
I am working on my great grandmother and up to #27 Betsy Eddington
(1.) Grace daughter of (2.) Arthur and (3.) Muriel
(3.) Muriel Day daughter of (6.) William H Day and (7.) Grace Esler /Daly Day.
Muriel married Arthur Zion October 1943.
Muriel and Arthur had four children. Muriel passed away February 1998.
(6.) William Henry Day was born 21 October 1889 to (12.) William Albert and (13.) Carrie Lockwood Day.
William married Grace Esler/Daly. William and Grace had 5 children.
William passed away 21 February 1964.
(13.) Carrie Lockwood was born 07 October 1870 to (26). John Lockwood and (27). Betsy Eddington Lockwood.
Carrie married William Albert Day.
Carried passed away April 1946.
(27.) Betsy Eddington was born 01 October 1842 in New York to (54.) Augustus and (55.) Henrietta Curtis Eddington.
Betsy married John Lockwood. John and Betsy had four children.
Betsy passes away April 1946 in McGregor, Minnesota.
(55.) Augustus Eddington born March 1819 in New York parents unknown at this time.
(55.)Augustus married Henrietta Curtis and had 7 children.
Augustus passed away 07 September 1903 in Rock county, Wisconsin.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Advent Christmas - Day 10 Christmas Gifts
Christmas memories of my childhood are of a wonderful time. It was a busy time with getting ready for Church Christmas programs, decorating the Christmas tree and planning what we would buy as gifts.
It would start at Thanksgiving. As the grownups were in the dining room drinking their coffee my sister Mary, my cousin Bonnie and myself would sit in the kitchen trying to figure out what we would buy our Grandma and Grandpa Day. My cousin Cheryl was to little to sit in the discussion. I remember sitting in the kitchen looking around at all their belongings trying to figure out what they could use. The memory that brings me the greatest pleasure was the year we bought them a new canister set for their kitchen.
For these postings I am staying with my childhood and plan to print and give to children and grandchildren for them to read if they want to.
Times were different then from now. Money was tight and credit cards were not used. There was not a lot of presents but great thought and planning went into the gift. The money we spent was saved or probably given to us by our parents.
One Saturday we got on the bus and headed to Glass Block to find that canister set. The three of us were so proud and so excited to give it to them. The canisters were a beige and probably made out of plastic. They had little red figures on them.
We would give one present to them and another to my Aunt Daisy. Aunt Daisy usually got gloves or a sweater. One year we gave her a pair of sexy panties with red tassels. We thought this was so funny at that time. Giving our sweet maiden aunt something like this. Still makes me chuckle today. She just said " You naughty girls"
We would receive one present from the them. One year it was a doll, I think her name was LuAnne. I still have her. Her hair is a mess and her shoes are missing but I adore this wonderful doll. Another year it was a bride doll. I lost that one in a fire but found one at a toy show years later to replace her.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Advent Christmas - Day 9 Grab Bag Topic

Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Advent Christmas - Day 8 Christmas Cookies

Advent Christmas - Day 8 Christmas Cookies is what is on my memory today. I am not sure who made the cookies. Grandma Day, Aunt Daisy, my Mama or Uncle Don & Aunt Lil. There was cookies, pretty little cookies. Sugar cookies with colored sprinkles and my favorite, little cookies with a chocolate kiss in the middle. Oh how I loved those pretty little cookies.
I have not had these cookies in years so searched on line and here is the recipe. Just may have to make my self some cookies this month.
Hershey's Peanut Butter Blossoms Cookie Recipe
3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 cup (8 ounces) Crisco solid shortening
1 cup white sugar
1 cup brown sugar, packed
1 cup (8 ounces) Peter Pan, Skippy or Jif peanut butter
2 large eggs
4 Tablespoons whole milk
2 teaspoons vanilla
1 cup sugar for rolling (optional)
60-70 Hershey Kisses, unwrapped
Directions: How to Make Hershey Kiss Cookies
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
Line baking sheets with parchment paper or spray with vegetable shortening.
In a large bowl, blend flour, salt and baking soda together and set aside.
Using a stand or hand-held mixer, beat shortening and white and brown sugar on high together until light and fluffy.
Add eggs one at a time beating after each one. Mix in milk and vanilla and scrape down sides of bowl. Add peanut butter and beat again, scraping one more time.
Turn mixer to low speed and add flour, salt and baking soda one cup at a time until the dough is mixed well and no dry spots remain. Give the bowl a final scrape.
With a cookie scoop or Tablespoon, measure out balls of dough, rolling in the optional sugar if desired.
Place peanut butter cookie dough on the prepared baking sheets and bake at 350 degrees for 10-15 minutes or until cookies are lightly browned and firm around the edges. Don't over bake.
While the cookies are still on pans, and immediately out of the oven, place one unwrapped Hershey Kiss in the center, pressing the Kiss down just a little so that it gets stuck partially in the cookie. Don't press too hard!
Remove to wire racks and cool completely before storing in an air-tight container.
Makes 70 deliciously warm and chewy Peanut Butter Blossom Cookies!
The memories I am sharing are from my childhood. I plan to print and give to my sons and grandchildren to read if they ever want to.
thanks so much for stopping by.. hope that you come again soon.. Grace
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Advent Christmas - Day 7 Christmas Parties

Our Christmas parties were about getting together with family and revolved around the church.
When I was a pre teen, my family and a group of others left the church they had been attending and started their own little church. This church was just blocks from where we lived and when the weather was good we would walk to church.
Every year at Christmas time there would be a Christmas program. I sure wish I had some old pictures of those Christmas programs.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Advent Calendar - December 6 Santa Claus

Did you ever send a letter to Santa? Did you ever visit Santa and “make a list?” Do you still believe in Santa Claus?
I am doing these Christmas memories of my childhood only. I will print and give to my sons and grandchildren for them to read if they like someday.
Advent Calendar - December 5 - Outdoor Decorations

Sunday, December 5, 2010
On This Day Harriet Carpenter Anderson Died in 1908
Saturday, December 4, 2010
On Or About This Date Robert Millsaps Died in 1793
Robert was born in Belfast, Ireland in 1719 to Thomas and Mary (Poplin) Millsaps. Robert married Ellender King. To this marriage 10 children were born, Moses Taylor, Mary, James Madison abut 1755, Jane 1757, Ellen about 1760, Thomas about 1762, Edward about 1766, Joseph about 1768, Robert about 1772 and William about 1774.
While searching Robert Millsaps on http://www.ancestry.com/ I found the following
Our Millsaps family history is greatly enhanced and enriched by a letter written many years ago by one Billy Millsaps who was born in Greene County, Tennessee in the winter of 1797. (The letter is on file in the History and Genealogy Department of the Rowan Public Library in Salisbury, North Carolina.) In the letter, Mr. Millsaps writes of his ancestor, and the following are tidbits from the letter in regard to our line of Millsaps.
" The oldest son of my Grandfather, Robert Millsaps, who at the age of sixteen came to America from Ireland with his father.. and family about the year 1735, who settled in Augusta Co, Va. in two miles of Stanton. My grandfather had three brothers, whose names were: Thomas, Joseph, and William. They all four finally left their father's settlement in Virginia in the hands of John McDowel, one of their brothers in law settled in North Carolina. My grandfather and mother, Robert and Ellen (her father's name was King) Millsaps had ten children. The oldest was named Ellen, she died when small; Thomas, Jane, James, Edward (he was drowned when about grown), Joseph, Moses, Mary, Robert, and William. Thomas, James, Moses, Robert and their two sisters and brothers in law Samuel Yates and Thomas Farmer, left Randolph County, N. C. and settled in Greene Co. Tenn, a little before I was born, January 10,1797. As to Aunt Jane's children, she had five, the first was called Jesse Millsaps. He lived in Sullivan Co. Tenn. He was drafted in the time of the War of 12 and went on his way to the seat of war under Jackson.
We have documented Thomas Millsaps as having been listed in the records of Augusta County, Virginia as early as 1747. Thomas was born circa 1679 in Belfast, Ireland, and he was the son of William and Elizabeth Millsaps. Thomas married Mary Poplin, and their son Robert was born circa 1719 in Belfast. Robert married circa 1747 to Ellender King, and their daughter Jane Millsaps was born circa 1754. Jane bore Jesse Millsaps out of wedlock, and she later married Samuel Yates, a Revolutionary War veteran who died in Cocke County, Tennessee in 1844.
Jesse Millsaps (aka Jesse " Yates") married on the 2nd of April 1799 in Carter County, Tennessee to Mary "Polly" Hyder, daughter of Michael Hyder(1740-1790) and Elizabeth Wood (1745-1841). Jesse and Mary's daughter, Elizabeth Millsaps (1798-after 1880) married in 1820 in Carter County, Tennessee to Jacob Kite (1798-after 1860). Elizabeth Kite and her husband Jacob Kite removed to Blount County, Tennessee before 1830, and were separated sometime before 1840 to 1850. Jacob was found in later years in Greene County, Tennessee and Elizabeth Millsap Kite remained with her children in the area of Blount County, Tennessee, where she must of died sometime after the 1880 census of that county was taken.
Family information on http://www.ancestry/ states he moved to Tennessee after leaving North Carolinia but that he died in North Carolinia. Did he go to visit and die or move back to North Carolina. This is a guestion that needs to be studied further.
Advent Calendar - December 4: Christmas Cards

This Blog is pleased to join with other GeneaBloggers around the world in presenting this Advent Calendar over the next 24 days leading up to the Christmas celebration. There will be a different topic each day. I will attempt to post on each of the topics.

I am nowhere done searching for my roots. For my missing family members. So many to fine so little time. This has been a hard few years ...
This week the topic is work for Sepia Saturday. We love to play but we all have to work at some time to pay the bills. I have had many h...
Facial hair is the focus of this week’s SepiaSaturday . My father and grandfather's were clean shaven but go back a couple of generat...
For this weeks Sepia Saturday I am sharing a vintage cabinet photo of a young child with a stuffed bunny. Pictured is a darling young chi...